January 31, 2011 seems like a great day as any to start blogging. I had initially resolved to start this year being healthier, more organized and creative. As a master of procrastination, it seemed right to at least start on the last day of the first month of the new year.
Luckily for me I have a 3 yo son and 1 yo twin daughters that allow my procrastination excuse to prevail. Even as I type, albeit with both hands (right now); I am trying to think creatively while wrestling one twin for my chair, another twin with my mobile phone and answering about 20 separate requests. In fact, I've gotten up from this chair no less than 5 X's - oops, hold please, another request - whilst writing just this paragraph.
How often does this happen to you? You want to do just ONE thing, but alas even a 10 minute task stretches to all afternoon. Seriously! Trying to go to the bathroom and getting there solo can be trying. And although this situation is not privy to those of us with multiples or multiples + singleton(s), I somehow feel just a bit more validated to say "I'll do it later" b/c it's the choice I make. I record my one daily program so I can push pause 50 X's while watching in order to ride a make-believe horse with my son or answer a call or check on my nap-procrastinating twins (hmmm - genetics?).
My favorite AND least favorite task to procrastinate is housework. I've given up on the toys! They will not be placed in any kind of organized situation. Try as I might, or rather dream my little dream; I'm just not good at it and do not enjoy it one bit. My solution - get over what I think others' might think. I shouldn't be so egotistical to think someones giving my cluttered home another thought on how it reflects on me. Of course, the debbie downer here is that I trip, stub toes, cringe at the chaos, etc. That's why it's my least favorite. Hmmmm - I think I'll resolve to potty train the twins and use the diaper money on some help. Oh gees - this blogging thing is so darned cathartic - feeling better already.
I sure hope I can reach some other mom's w/a similar situation to mine. I've not found many blogs that I can relate to with regards to my offspring. Wouldn't trade it for the world, but am happy when I learn something that makes life w/them a wee bit easier.
Well, gotta go. Must break up some sibling melee! Cheers ~ Claudia